Mr. Ali Bouchrara

Information Systems Consultant

Full Name Ali Bouchrara
Experience 31 Years


  • PGDip (Technical Institute of Banking) National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – Paris, France.1998
  • B.Sc. (Computer Engineering) Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (FST) Tunisia.1988


Mr. Ali Bouchrara is an expert in information systems and digital transformation, a university teacher, and an IFID expert integrator of global banking and ERP. He has 31 years of experience in banking, including as a DSI-certified integrator of ERP and CRM. He has held several leadership roles in the banking industry, such as Director of Information Systems at BFT (Banque Franco-Tunisienne), where he served as Project Director for the implementation of GLOBAL BANKING, formalization of bank processes, and the implementation and configuration of TEG in GLOBAL BANKING UNIBANK. Likewise, he also developed software and infrastructure specifications and served as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Bank. He was also a Former Director at STB (Société Tunisienne de Banque) and attached to the General Management as part of a project to overhaul the STB’s information system, led by an American firm.

Mr. Boucharara has a significant amount of involvement and contributions to several national committees. These include the interbank remote compensation steering committee, the interbank committee for the modernization of public banks’ information systems (strategic orientations), the interbank committee for the development of specifications for the acquisition of “GLOBAL BANKING”, the interbank committee for the development of specifications for the acquisition of a core for the implementation of an urbanized solution, the committee for the formalization of the bank’s processes, the national committee for the dematerialization of foreign trade title (single bundle project), the committee for the establishment of the information center, the risk center within the framework of the project for the new system of computerized data exchange between the Central Bank of Tunisia and credit institutions, the committee for the establishment of “E-Procurement” at the bank level, the Electronic Payments Steering Committee, the Commission for the Modernization and Upgrading of Electronic Payments, and the Cryptographic Currency and Blockchain Review Committee.

  • Senior computer engineer (Bac+6): System option, FST, Tunis, Tunisia. 1988
  • DUES: Math-Physics-Computer Science Series, FST, Tunis, Tunisia. 1984
  • Graduate Diploma from the Technical Institute of Banking, National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, Paris, France. 1998
  • Diploma in English: Level 5 – British Council, 1994
  • Certificate: Dolibarr Open-Source ERP and CRM Integrator – IC Canada, 2021

Professional Experience:

  • Consultant Expert in information systems, implementation of Global Banking, ERP, and digital transformation, May 2019 to date.
  • Teacher at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Tunis for a distance professional Master on the Moodle platform, 2018 to date.
  • Lecturer at IFID: Information systems and digital transformation, 2012 to date.
  • Director of the “Strategy and Information Systems” division at the Société Tunisienne de Banque, November 2018 until January 2019
  • Expert teacher in new information and communication technologies at ISCAE, 2010 – 2017
  • Member of the higher scientific council (Resolution of the Minister of Higher Education of March 14, 2001) and member of the validation committee for the new LMD program (Bachelor Master Doctorate) dated May 23, 2006
  • Director of Information Systems at Banque Franco-Tunisienne, 1998 – 2018
  • Project Manager at Société Tunisienne de Banque, June 1996 until August 1998
  • Training of trainers at Société Tunisienne de Banque, 1990 – 1998
  • Attached to the General Management of Société Tunisienne de Banque, June 1991 – May 1996
  • Developer at Société Tunisienne de Banque, 1988 – 1991