Mr. Ahmed Mahjoub


Full Name Ahmed Almojtaba Mahjoub
Experience 6 Years


  • M.A. (Development Economics) Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha, Qatar. 2018
  • B.Sc. (Development Economics) University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan. 2015


Mr.Ahmed Mahjoub is a researcher with six years of diversified experience. A good knowledge on research methods with different research area: International Economics, Public Finance, Peace Economics,
Agricultural Economics and Political Economy.Additionally, Mr. Ahmed has a good knowledge to deal with cross sectional, time series and panel data. A good research background on different models i.e. Fixed Effect, Random Effect, Diff-in-Diff estimator, IV models, Regression Discontinuity models, Partial Equilibrium and General Equilibrium.

Work Experience:

  • Consultant to Support country office, African Development Bank, Khartoum, Sudan.Sep 2022 – Oct 2022
  • Lecturer of Economics. University of Khartoum, Department of Economics.Nov 2018 – Up to now
  • Research Associate to the Policy Analysis and Monitoring Unit (Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Sudan), Overseas Development Institute, UK.April 2020 – May 2022
  • Lecturer of Economics “Part time”, Sudan Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Teaching six different courses.Jan 2020- Aug 2020
  • Editor and Grader, Center of Public Policy and Development (CDPP).Jul-Nov 2018
  • Research Assistant, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Qatar.Dec 2016 – May 2018
  • Teaching Assistance, University of Khartoum, Department of Economics. Scholarship to Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.Sep 2016 – Oct 2018

Research Papers and Reports:

  • IMF extended credit facility alignment with: three-years program, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, PEFA road map and Juba Peace Agreement. Report, MOFEP, Sep 2021.
  • The Emerging Culture of Youth in Sudan. Co- author: Walaa Isam and Abdalla Ahmed.
  • Toward Fiscal Federalism Reform to achieve Peace and Sustainable Development in Sudan. Co-author: Makky Elshibly and et al, July 2021.
  • Youth and Development, MOFEP report.
  • Fuel calculation model, Ministry of Energy and Mining, Sep 2020.
  • Fuel Subsidy Reform, Policy Paper, (with team), April 2020.
  • Impact of Covid-19 on 2020 budget, and 2020 edited budget. (April – Oct 2020).
  • MOFEP response to Covid-19, Policy Paper, MOFEP (With team) May 2020.
  • The Impact of Covid-19 on Sudan Economy. (With MOFEP, PM office).
  • Poverty Reduction and State Shares Policy Paper (for Peace Dialogue), Co-authored with Dr. Ibrahim El Badawi and Dr. Kabbashi, April 2020.
  • Income inequality, right populist parties and redistribution: Evidence from EU countries. Co-author: Mosab Ahmed. “First Draft”, 2020.
  • Turkey – Africa potential trade: a gravity model estimation. With Dr. Ebaidallah Mahjoub. Research proposal.
  • Do Government Expenditure on agriculture affect agricultural exports? Evidence from COMESA countries 1980-2012”, Capstone Research Paper, 2018.
  • The impact of senior manager’s education on productivity in Egypt. Co-authored with Mohammed Issa. 2017. “In Arabic”
  • The impact of internal funding for the budget deficit on private investment in Sudan 1990- 2000 “crowding out effect”, co-author: Mosab Ahmed, 2016.
  • Foreign Direct Investment Determinants in Qatar, Research proposal, 2016.
  • Agricultural exports in Sudan: determinants and contributing to economic growth in 1990- 2014, University of Khartoum, fifth year Research, 2015.
  • Evaluation of the first five-year Strategic plan in Sudan 2007-2012, University of Khartoum, Fourth Year Research Paper, 2014.