Dr. Muneef Abdelbagi Babiker

Planning Expert

Full Name Muneef Abdelbagi Babiker
Experience 34 Years


  • Ph.D. (Economics)University of Khartoum, Sudan. 2002
  • M.A.(Economics)University of York, England, Uk.1986
  • B.SC.(Economics)University of Khartoum, Sudan.1983


A dynamic, result-oriented professional with PhD degree in Economics from one of the first universities in world – University of Khartoum, Sudan. Excellent in planning and teaching skills. Currently designated as a Planning Expert, The Supreme Council for Planning, Sultanate of Oman.
Excellent in the field of Economic Theory (Macro and Micro), Mathematical Economics, Managerial Economics, Applied Economics, Health Economics.
Core work practices in Economics and Financial Analysis of Development Programs, Costing, Financing and Feasibility Study of Projects. In addition, Effect of Economic Adjustment on Health and Social Sectors.
Significant experience in supporting and leading staff and was a Head of Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods.
An effective communicator with excellent relationship building and interpersonal skills.
Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
Familiar with all requirements and process in the related job areas.
Persuasive character with sufficient bilingual communication skills.

Dr. Muneef seeks to continually enhance his planning, administrative, curricular, research and instructional abilities by serving in a challenging and stimulating environment, which progressively pursues excellence in Development work, economic policy and planning, research and education.


  • University Of Khartoum Senior Scholarship: To Study Abroad (United Kingdom) Funded Studying for M.Sc. United Kingdom.1986
  • Aid for Ph.D. Studies: The German Academic Exchange Service Sudan.2000
  • Codesria: Partial Supplementary Support for Ph.D. Sudan.1997

Work Experience:

  • Planning Expert, The Supreme Council For Planning, Oman.2020
  • Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan.2022
  • Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan. 2023
  • Assistant Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, Sudan International University, Sudan.2005
  • Lecturer, Department of Economics, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan.2000
  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan.1991

Advisor And Consultant Experience:

  • World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office.2005
  • Khartoum State Ministry of Health and Save the Children Uk. 2005
  • Sudan National Health Insurance Corporation.2001
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/Sudan.1998
  • The Statistics, Research and Information Department, Council Of ministers, Government of Sudan.1995
  • United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF)/Sudan. 1995
  • UNICEF/Sudan.1994
  • The Statistics, Research and Information Department, Planning Section, UNICEF, Sudan. 1994