Mr. Abdel Mageed Nimir

Banking Software Consultant

Full Name Abdel Mageed Mohamed Ali Nimir
Experience 34 Years


  • B.Sc.(Electrical Engineering) University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan. 1979
  • Software Engineering Diploma, NCR ETEC, Dundee, Scotland.1983
  • RM-Cobol, NCR Egypt Education Centre, Egypt. 1984
  • Business Process Analysis, NCR Jordan Education Centre.1985
  • Oracle Developer Suite, Jordan.1992
  • IT Project Management as per PMBOK, High Institute for Banking Studies.2003
  • Pentabank Core Banking System Design, Chennai, India.2003
  • Strategic Planning, EBS.2004

Professional Memberships:

  • Member of IEEE, USA since 1983.
  • Trustee General, Sudanese Society for Information Technology.
  • Member of Oracle Network Technology.
  • Member of National Computer Professions Council.
  • Member of National High Committee for Y2K Risk Mitigation.

Work Experience :

  • Software Development Consultant, Reliance Information Technology Company Ltd. 2011 Up to now
  • General Manager, Financial & Banking System. 2007-2011
  • IT Consultant for various customers includes Faisal Islamic Bank (4 Years), National Reinsurance Company, (14 Years), Sudanese Postal Services Company, Sudapost (4 Years), Social Security Investment Authority (2 Years), Ministry of Trade (One Year), East Nile Hospital (2 Years).